Monday, March 7, 2011


So I'm redoing my room with Meghan this week and I'm hoping it'll turn out awesome.  Probably won't look too much different but I'm hoping paint will make a big change.  I'm getting new organizing cubbies and putting up all my framed stuff that I've want up for a long time and my big gold mirror!  Here's some terrible before pictures because my room is a hot mess!


  1. there's that wall that says "brittany" on it!
    how's the painting going? are you awesome?

  2. hahaha... Yeah me and Meghan got them walls primed and moving everything in my room and taping off everything took so long and I had to go to work. But I'm going to do more today and Meghan will help more tomorrow!

  3. hahaha i just reread my comment before. "are you awesome" i don't think i meant to type that. . .also, these are probably the best before pics that i've ever seen


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