Monday, November 14, 2011

More Paper Flowers

I just watched Julie and Julia with my mom and it inspired me to blog!  Right now I have been decorating a historical home downtown Grand Rapids for my Visual Merchandising and Display class.  It has been a wonderful experience and I will share much more later.  But I decided to make some paper flowers to put in the living room there and have been making them the last 2 (or so) hours and my back aches.  Every time I focus too hard on something small my back tenses up.  But the results are worth it!
These are the same flowers I made for my tea party this summer and I thought I would end up with much more but I only got 6.  Anyway a step by step tutorial can be found here.

Began folding

Friday, November 11, 2011

Pom Pom Cowl part 2

I made another scarf!  If you want to know the instructions and what my other pom pom cowl looked like just go here.  The only difference to this one I made is I wanted it a bit longer so i could double it up so it ended up being about 72 inches long before all sewn together.  I had to make some alterations (yay for seam rippers!) but it ended up turning out great.  Take a look:

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